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m (Added separators for Polish.)
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| [[azimuthal projections]] || [[azimuthal projections|projections azimutales<br/>projections z&eacute;nithales<br/>projections centrales]] || [[azimuthal projections|Azimutale Kartennetzentw&uuml;rfe<br/>Radliche Kartennetzentw&uuml;rfe]] || || || ||  
| [[azimuthal projections]] || [[azimuthal projections|projections azimutales<br/>projections z&eacute;nithales<br/>projections centrales]] || [[azimuthal projections|Azimutale Kartennetzentw&uuml;rfe<br/>Radliche Kartennetzentw&uuml;rfe]] || || || ||  
| [[balance of errors]] || || || || || ||  
| [[balance of errors]] || || || || || ||
| [[belt]] || || || || || ||  
| [[case of a map projection|case (of a map projection)]] || || || || || ||  
| [[case of a map projection|case (of a map projection)]] || || || || || ||  

Revision as of 19:14, 19 March 2006

English Français Deutsch 日本語 Русский Español Polski Português
absolute minimum error projections
angular alteration
angular change
angular deformation altération angulaire
altération des angles
angular distortion
aphylactic projections
approximately equidistant projections
arbitrary projections projections aphylactiques
arc of the meridian arc de méridien
arc d'ellipse méridienne
Meridianbogen arco de meridiano
arc of the parallel arc de paralléle Parallelkreisbogen arco de paralelo
area deformation
area distortion
area exaggeration altération des surfaces Flächenverzerrung
area scale echelle superficielle
rapport des surfaces
aspect (of a map projection) aspect d'une projection
position d'une projection
Lage der Bildflächenachse
Lage der Abbildungsfläche
authalic 正積
authalic latitude latitude équivalente (LE) Äquivalente Breite
authalic projections
autogonal projections
auxiliary latitude (geodesy)
auxiliary latitude (cartography) latitude auxiliaire (L') Hilfswinkel (Wagner)
axial projections
azimuth azimut Azimut 方位 acimut
azimuthal 方位角 acimutal
azimuthal projections projections azimutales
projections zénithales
projections centrales
Azimutale Kartennetzentwürfe
Radliche Kartennetzentwürfe
balance of errors
case (of a map projection)
central meridian méridien centrale
premier méridien
中央経線 meridiano central
central projections
colatitude colatitude Ergänzung der Polhöhe
combined projections Mischkartennetzentwürfe
composite projections Zusammengesetzte Netze
condensed projections
conformal 正角 равноугольные conforme
conformal latitude
conformal projections projections conformes
projections orthomorphiques
projections autogonales
Winkeltreue Kartennetzentwürfe
Konforme Kartennetzentwürfe
conic projections projections coniques Kegelkartennetzentwürfe
Kegelige (konische) Entwürfe
conical projections projections coniques Kegelkartennetzentwürfe
Kegelige (konische) Entwürfe
constant of the cone coefficient de réduction des longitudes Konstante des Kegelentwurfs
Parameter für die Veränderung des Längenunterschiedes zwischen zwei Meridianbildern (Beck)
constant scale
contracted projections
conventional aspect
conventional projections projections non classées
systèmes conventionnelles
Konventionelle Kartennetzentwürfe
convergence of the meridians convergence des méridiens
angle de convergence
cordiform projections Herzförmige Kartennetzentwürfe
correct scale
cylindric projections projections cylindriques Zylinderkartennetzentwürfe
Säulige Entwürfe
cylindrical projections projections cylindriques Zylinderkartennetzentwürfe
Säulige Entwürfe
direct aspect
distortion ひずみ искажения
distortion isopleth
double-point projections
ellipse of distortion
ellipsoid 楕円体
elliptical projections
equal-area 正積
equatorial aspect 赤道法
equatorial case
equatorial projections
equidistant 正距 равнопромежуточная
equidistant latitude
equidistant projections
equivalent latitude
equivalent projections 正積図法
eumorphic projections
exceptional points
external perspective projections
flat-polar projections
free projections
fundamental properties of a map projection
generating globe
geocentric latitude
geodetic latitude
geographical coordinates
geographical poles
geometrical projections
globular projections
graticule 経緯線網
great circle 大円
Greenwich Grid
homalographic projections
indicatrix 指示楕円
interrupted projections
isometric latitude
isoperimetric curves
latitude 緯度
latitude of opposite sign
limiting form
linear distortion
line of zero distortion
longitude 軽度
map projection
maximum angular deformation
maximum angular distortion
maximum particular scale
maximum linear distortion
maximum scale error
mean square scale error
meridian 子牛線
meridional parts
meridional projections
minimum-error projections
minimum particular scale
miscellaneous projections
modified projections
multiple perspective azimuthal projections
nominal scale
non-geometric projections
non-perspective projections
normal aspect
normal case
oblique aspect
oblique case
orthembadic projections
orthoapsidal projections
orthodromic projections
orthomorphic projections
oval projections
parallel (of latitude) 平行圏
parallel of opposite sign
parametric classification of map projections
particular scale
perpendicular scale
perspective centre
perspective projections 投射図法
plane coordinates
plane projections
planar projections
point of tangency
point of zero distortion
polar aspect 極心法
polar case
polar coordinates
polar projections
polyconic projections 多円錐図法
polycylindric projections
polycylindrical projections
polygnomonic projections
polysuperficial projections
principal directions
principal scale
principal tangents
projection parameter
projections with total area true
projective projections
properties of a map projection
pseudoazimuthal projections
pseudoconic projections
pseudoconical projections
pseudocordiform projections
pseudocylindric 疑円筒図法
pseudocylindrical 疑円筒図法
radial scale
radius of curvature of the meridian
radius of curvature at right angles to the meridian
rectangular coordinates
recentered projections
regular aspect
relative scale
representative groups
retroazimuthal 逆方位
retroazimuthal projections
rhumb 航程線
rhumb line
scale 縮尺
scale along the meridian
scale along the parallel
scale error
scale factor
secant cone
secant conic projections
secant cylinder
secant plane
semi-geometric projections
semi-major axis
semi-minor axis
sine series (of pseudocylindric projections)
singular points
skew aspect
skew case
small circle 小円
special properties (of a map projection)
spherical coordinates
spherical quadrilateral
spheroid elipsoide
standard circle
standard parallel
star-shaped projections
tangent cone
tangent conic projections
tangent cylinder
tangent plane
tangent series (of pseudocylindric projections)
tangential scale
Tissot's indicatrix ティッソーの指示楕円 Elipse indicatriz de Tissot
transformation of coordinates
transformed graticule
transverse aspect
transverse case
transverse scale
tronconic projections
true scale
truncated conic projections
truncated pseudocylindric projections
two-point projections
zenithal projections